Bradicus Slept With And Filmed David Bond’s Ex-Girlfriend


November 7, 2022

One Man's Life Mission

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This is very creepy in my opinion. It’s bad enough to sleep with a friend’s ex-girlfriend but to actually target her by filming her in bed with you… Is just creepy. Not to mention possibly illegal in many ways. Didn’t Bradicus get cancelled for doing this exact same thing?

This girl was clearly used as a pawn in Bradicus’s childish attack on David Bond and to be honest, David Bond should have seen this coming. . .

There are plenty of warning signs about dealing with Bradicus out there, no one Bradicus used to work with still has anything to do with him. It seems to be quite obvious why this is the case. Bradicus travels around the world alone, yet he used to travel with Justin Marc and many other people.

It seems like they have all stopped hanging out with him, now Bradicus is all alone. Perhaps Bradicus has decided to do this, but what if he wants to have people to hang out with, but they all seem to leave him after a while. I guess only Bradicus and his old travel friends know the answer to that one.

I blurred out the girl’s face below. Either way, this is just creepy in my opinion.

Bradicus Sleeps With David Bond’s Girl (Disgusting)

I censor a photo Bradicus posted publicly on a live stream.

David Bond’s Girlfriend In The Philippines

As you can see in the screenshots of David Bond’s Youtube channel; this girl agreed to be apart of David Bonds online presence. It looks like she was posing for photos and enjoying the process of making videos with him.

Above is a girl who went to a guys bed and seemed to be filmed without her permission and that footage was then used to defame David Bond.

Many men in the pickup community are congratulating Bradicus for sleeping with David Bond’s girlfriend, yet they ignore the privacy issues with the girl who was filmed and posted in a live stream without her permission.

If David Bond can have multiple girls, why cannot this girl have multiple men? I doubt she wanted anyone to know she was sleeping with other guys. Maybe she wasn’t getting the one on one attention she wanted from David Bond, so she started looking online for a guy who would give that to her.

What if this girl liked to have casual flings with guys all of the time? Does that mean Bradicus should be exposed by the next guy who sleeps with her? There’s a very good chance that she got straight back into the same online dating app and met a new guy after Bradicus.

How can anyone say that Bradicus has solid game, when this girl is most probably sleeping with another guy next week. The answer is; we cannot. We don’t know what this girl is looking for, no one has interviewed her to figure out what she thinks, I’d like to, to be honest.

Only the girl in this video will have the truth about what has happened and how she feels. She would have the ability to tell us who she thinks has the best game too. But we cannot make assumptions that Bradicus has awesome game by sleeping with a random girl he targetted through online dating.

It’s just not counted.

This is the girl from David Bond’s Youtube channel, who Bradicus filmed in his bed

Does Bradicus Have Some Form Of Fetish? (Sleeping With Friends, Girlfriends)

I’m not saying Bradicus has a fetish, I don’t know very much about them at all. I’m just trying to figure out what is this called. After searching all over the internet, ”fetish” is the closest thing I could find, that describes this problem. I cannot prove it, but I suspect that Bradicus tried to do this with me too.

Trying to sleep with someone else’s girlfriend is super creepy.

But, not only to sleep with her, but to film it, as if you actually achieved something, now that’s weird on another level.

But before I end up going down the wrong path, let me give you guys the basic timeline of this PUA Drama between Bradicus and David Bond.

  • David Bond and Bradicus end up living together for 3 months in South America
  • During that time, Bradicus seems to have built up some contempt for David Bond for giving girls Bitcoin cash
  • Bradicus filmed David Bond giving girls Bitcoin cash in South America
  • Bradicus was chucking tantrums enough that David Bond secretly filmed him during one of his episodes of rage
  • After parting ways, Bradicus and David Bond were both in the Philippines
  • Bradicus saw this girl being posted on David Bonds channel and managed to sleep with her and film her in bed with him
  • Bradicus’s Instagram was deleted straight afterward. Bradicus accused David Bond of doing this
  • Then Bradicus went on JMULV‘s channel to attack David Bond and throw all of these accusations at him

In case some of you doubt my opinion on what happened. In case some of you question this article. Bradicus commonly chuck’s tantrums, for the most ridiculous reasons.

This is exactly what I saw with my own eyes. This is not a grounded pick-up artist, this is more of an immature man-child.

Evidence of Bradicus chucking a tantrum like a 2-year-old child was uploaded to David Bond’s TikTok and posted throughout many telegram groups. I cannot post it here, perhaps it has some privacy issues connected to it. Luckily I found it posted on Youtube for you all to see.

Bradicus Accused David Bond Of Deleting His Instagram

In the video live stream Bradicus did with JMULV, he openly said that David Bond deleted his Instagram. Bradicus said that the reason why he decided to come out publicly to attack David Bond is because of his lost Instagram. Yet Bradicus provides zero evidence of David Bond actually doing this.

In the past Bradicus has had all of his social media deleted, including his Instagram. Why isn’t Bradicus accusing David Bond of deleting all of his social media in the past too? What if Bradicus is continuing to do things that social media companies don’t like? What if Instagram discovered Bradicus had started a new account and decided to delete it again?

There are so many possibilities as to what could of happened. Sure, David Bond has motivation, but that does not mean he is guilty of the Instagram cancelling crime. We are all innocent until proven guilty Bradicus and to openly accuse someone of doing something, could be seen as defamation.

Bradicus Doxxed David Bond’s Real Name

According to the live stream Bradicus did with JMULV, he saw David Bond’s real name on their shared airbnb receipt. This is clearly private information and an extreme breach of privacy for David Bond. Obviously I will not be saying his real name here, because I have integrity as a man.

When you step back and think about how vicious this attack is, you really get a true understanding about who Bradicus is as a man. To do such a disgusting thing, is utterly reprehensible in my opinion.

David Bond Exposed Bradicus In Retaliation

As you can see in the video above, Bradicus can get really angry, really fast. This type of violent outburst was something I witnessed with my own eyes on multiple occasions. You can also see that straight after having an uncontrolled violent outburst, Bradicus then switched totally and started giggling (very creepy in my opinion).

I saw Bradicus have this type of outburst at me, he even did it in front of girls. Once he had an outburst like this, yelling and screaming at me, right in front of some girls we had just pulled from the nightclub. Both girls ran away because of his outburst.

The irony is, Bradicus had an issue with David Bond posting this video of Bradicus chucking a tantrum, yet Bradicus himself was canceled multiple times from social media for doing this exact same thing to hundreds of girls. David Bond has not been cancelled for doing the things Bradicus has done.

Don’t you think it’s hypocritical for Bradicus to talk about ”privacy”, when he’s one of the worst offenders in the entire history of the pickup industry?

More Bradicus articles:

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  1. Max

    Max benny

  2. Glenn

    Can I ask what we’re the flip outs regarding to? What specifically did he say? Is it possible you could upload this to the pua drama channel

    • Writer

      David Bond said the air-con didn’t work. . . What an overreaction

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