Are Women Rushing Into a Relationship Too Fast a Red Flag?


April 19, 2023

One Man's Life Mission

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Never rush into a relationship with a girl. When a girl wants to rush into a relationship with you too fast, this is a red flag that she has narcissistic tendencies. She’ll, over time try to gaslight and control you. Not always but most women who rush into relationships are looking for a submissive co-dependant man to fit their narcissistic personality.

when girls rush into a relationship

Rushing into a relationship is a red flag for women

If it’s early in the relationship and she starts pushing you for things to speed up, there is something seriously wrong. From my experience, the types of girls you want to get into a serious relationship with are all extremely patient. A good girl from a stable family will like to take her time to get to know you.

She will like to take things slow, just to make sure you are the best fit for her as a long-term partner. Because she is surrounded by family members who have good relationships, she should know what goes into making a long-term relationship work. This takes time.

Getting entangled with the wrong man would be costly for her, she’s able to see the dangers of such a mistake. This often projects that she is the one who’s bringing value to the relationship, she knows her worth.

There’s also a feminine nature to this type of woman, she will give herself to the relationship fully, which is a double sword if she’s giving to the wrong man. A feminine woman doesn’t want to be trapped in an abusive relationship with no way out.

Masculine Women Don’t Fear Rushing Into a Relationship

Masculine women don't fear getting straight into a serious relationship

A masculine woman doesn’t fear this, she knows that her masculine behavior will eventually dominate the relationship, no matter what happens. So, pushing hard for a relationship to get serious faster is no real threat to her. She will never be trapped, YOU WILL.

If a girl you just started dating begins to push like the above message thread, you are in trouble. She should not be asking you to say you love her in the early stages of a relationship, this is very unhealthy behavior. Within about 3 months of a relationship is way too soon for a girl to get pushy in a relationship sense with you.

Do Fast Relationships Last?

There’s a reason why the Las Vegas flash weddings are so funny in comedy movies, it’s because they are only done by crazy or people on drugs. Simply because they don’t work. This girl didn’t even ask me to marry her, she just suggested it, which is a huge red flag in every possible way.

A feminine woman will always wait until the man asks her to marry him, the more feminine, the more patiently she will wait. Even though this girl is beautiful and comes across as quite feminine to me, this is such a warning sign that I decided to start ghosting her.

Why The Divorce Rate Is So High In The West

Way too many men in the West accept pushy, masculine women. This is a great way to trap yourself in a terrible relationship with an unbearable woman who you will learn to hate over time and eventually divorce. Then she will use the legal system to exploit you for every cent and last bit of self-dignity she can take from you.

If only at the very beginning of the relationship the 50% of men who end up in divorce in the West simply chose to be single, society would change for the better.

Don’t make the same mistakes most other men make. When you see the slightest red flag in the early stages of a relationship, END IT. Or just lock her in as a regular girl you sleep with but never get serious with.

Imagine if every man got coaching with me, to learn all of the red flags women show. All I know is, every man I coach is less likely to marry the wrong woman and has a higher chance of finding a good wife. Sign up today

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