How To Use Canned PUA Lines & Routines To Pick Up Girls


July 16, 2021

One Man's Life Mission

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Telling a guy to ”just be yourself” doesn’t always work, some guys need routines.

Speaking to girls can be scary for guys, this can cause adrenalin to start pumping through his body, which can sometimes make him say silly things that he never intended. Canned pick up lines, canned material, canned openers, are all memorised sentences. Designed to help men have structured conversations with girls.

These canned pua lines are designed to reduce the failure rate when seducing girls. Canned pick up lines are also designed to reduce the frequency of awkward silences, instead he can fill the silences with memorised canned material, which can sometimes help him to appear more charismatic to girls.

”Do you come here often?”

Random drunk guy at a dive bar

PUA Coaches : Unconscious Canned Routine Structure

I’ve spent the last few years gathering pick up infield videos from pick up coaches all over the world, then making infield analysis videos breaking down the structure of their game.

And one thing sticks out to me, the fact that most of these guys have a clear structure to their game infields. I believe that almost all of them are unaware of how routine based their verbal’s are.

For instance, most will unconsciously say the exact same lines during a cold approach and most probably be totally unaware of it.

The opener (canned pick up line) the meat of the conversation, they will say the same jokes, or tell the same stories during every daygame infield too. It was quite eye opening to see this, my issue with this, is that anyone can memorise a few canned lines and routines.

Therefore most of the pick up coaches can easily be replaced by someone who has studied their game, in my opinion, the best coaches don’t have a structure, are present in the moment, you could call this a flow state.

Canned Game Has a Ceiling to it.

Beginners who are learning pick up should start with a basic structure and canned pua material. It’s really helpful for newbies to have a structure from beginning to end of an interaction. It’s also good for beginners to have a basic text and date structure too. But this is only for a short time, until they start to understand how basic game is run, through action.

Canned lines can help guys with social anxiety too, quite often they will have nervous reactions to the social pressure when talking to girls and having canned lines and routines can prevent them from saying silly things, feeling bad and ejecting early from every approach. Canned game helps nervous guys deal with social pressure to stay in the interaction for longer.

Once a guy has been in game for a year or more, he’s taken loads of action, then it’s time to be more present, free and try hit flow state. If he insists on continuing with using canned pick up structure, he will enter ”Intermediate Purgatory”.

The reason for this is, canned game is so ridged that the framework by definition, prevents you from growing into a master of game. So, if the framework prevents growth, then the only solution is increasing the amount of approaches. All guys who are stuck in intermediate purgatory will approach more, when they hit a dry spell.

Some end up becoming spammers who approach everything, simply because they don’t have the depth of understanding about game.

Advanced guys figure out how to increase their success rate with the same amount of approaches, this is not easy to do.

canned pick up lines and routines
Literally Picking Up Girls

Canned Pick Up Line Examples

  • Direct Openers
  • Opinion Openers
  • Environmental Openers
  • Asking Directions Openers
  • Observational Openers

Direct Openers

These are canned conversation starters that are ”direct” which means to show intent immediately. For example ”hey, I saw you from over there and had to come over here to talk to you, you’re adorable”.

Direct is somewhat similar to giving a compliment, though, when someone gives a compliment normally, there’s no obligation on the benefactor of this compliment.

But a direct opener has an extra touch, because you are supposed to get her to make a decision whether she’s attracted to you on the spot and push for a date immediately or ask for her contact information.

The problem with this style is, the girls natural response is to reject a man who she just met, therefore this strategy has a higher rejection rate in general.

Opinion Openers

These canned PUA lines were popularised by the famous pick up artist Mystery. One of his most famous opinion openers was ”who lies more, men or women?”. The good thing about these canned lines is that you can create your own, you could start to innovate on the spot, by trying to be spontaneous, I’d argue that the more present in the moment you are, the better your openers with be.

Environmental Openers

The environmental canned lines are quite self explanatory, you make a comment on something in the environment, then hope she joins in on the observation. This is classed as an indirect daygame conversation starter.

These are mostly used in environments with judgemental onlookers like peak hour in a busy city. The goal is to have plausible deniability to the onlookers, so no one can be certain of your intentions, this adds mystery, plus it conveys social awareness.

Asking For Directions Openers

When you are on overseas on holidays or find yourself in an area that you are not familiar with, these canned openers are a great excuse to start a conversation with a girl, and to do it under the radar.

”Do you know how I can get to my hotel?” or ”Do you know a good spot for dinner? I’m new to this city” or ”Hi, when is the next train coming?”.

When travelling, try not to waste a good question on anyone other than a girl that you are attracted to.

Observational Openers

People get these pick up lines confused with an environmental opener, they are very different. An observational opener is your opportunity to show how intelligent you are by observing something in the environment and connecting it with something that most people don’t notice. It works best if what you notice is of service to the girl you want to start a conversation with too.

An example is : you are in the city, peak hour, waiting in line for some form of public transport. The girl next to you in line is hot, you realise that the traffic conditions have changed and that staying in line is going to take far longer than you and everyone in the line expected. So, you turn to the girl next to you, tell her what you noticed about the traffic.

Then pitch the idea of walking two blocks past the traffic blockage, catching a taxi together out of the heavy traffic, and suggest it would be an hour or more faster to get home. She comes with you and is impressed with how intelligent you are.

How to Become More Natural (natural game)

  • Play word association games
  • Meditation helps with being present to the moment
  • Take public speaking classes
  • Take Improv classes

The goal should be for yourself to become more authentic and express yourself more freely. Word association games help you to move the conversation from one topic to the next in a smoother way.

Meditation helps you to overcome anxiety and become more present, this slows down the interaction in your mind, so that you can focus, hitting a flow state is desired.

Public speaking classes helps with performing under social pressure, if you can talk to a small audience, this will help with anxiety when doing cold approach.

Improv classes are great for listening to what others say, computing what is said and then adding something new to that thought, this helps improve the quality of your cold approach interactions.

Are You Stuck in Intermediate Purgatory?

If so, I recommend you take some live training with myself to get a proper analysis of your game, help you to enjoy it again and to improve your interactions. Click here to start your journey.

Here are some of my best posts:

If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.


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