How To Negg a Girl The Correct Way – What is Negging?


August 2, 2021

One Man's Life Mission

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Negging is an advanced method of verbal warfare, used to capture a girls attention who is treating him with contempt and is above the man’s mate value. A Neg is a polite criticism of the woman’s appearance, designed to let her know that her appearance doesn’t make her more valuable than the man.

And warns her that she won’t get a free ride in his presence because she is beautiful. We live in a world where everyone is treated equally right? Let’s start treating people equally then, just because someone is born more attractive than someone else, doesn’t mean they can walk all over you.

Negging Comes Natural To Women

I grew up surrounded with women, in fact I felt far more comfortable around women than men growing up. Negging is how women subtly battle each other in the social dominance hierarchy.

When I say that I grew up surrounded with women, here’s what I mean. My mother divorced my father when I was 1 years old, my single mother has two sisters (my aunties) who were both unable to keep men and became single mothers too.

My grandmother was a single mother and lived with someone in the family on a rotation. Both of my aunties had daughters and my mother remarried and then had a daughter (my sister).

I literally grew up with multiple generations of women. Have you seen the movie ”mean girls”? Well that’s what they were all like, constantly gaslighting each other, jostling for position constantly, always backstabbing each other. Also, my mother acted like the woman out of the movie ”gone girl”, yeah a real piece of work.

So, let’s just say, I know what it’s like dealing with bitchy women. And if you want to know more, check out my autobiography ”The Disabled Casanova”.

Why does Negging have a bad reputation? Well… from my experience, women are the worlds best at throwing around ”neggs” and they definitely don’t want us men learning the dark art of the Negg because they want this powerful weapon all to themselves.

Dave Lee

That’s the cold hard truth why women push back hard against the devastating power of Negging. This is a power that very few men have the skill to use, but with practice, any man can learn to put a girl in her place with a surgically guided Negg. The problem is, most men don’t have enough experience with women to fire in a Negg under the radar in order to climb the dominance hierarchy.

negging girls
Sex should not used as leverage. The Negg will even the playing field

Most Men are Invisible to Women

If you have a brief look at history or even what is happening in our society today. Men build countries, we die on construction sites, we die on the battle field while women stay at home, we are the last to exit a sinking ship or crashed plane. We are the disposable humans.

You’ll also realise that women disrespect the majority of men out there. The majority of men are ignored in the dating scene, some of the data suggests that 80% of men are not desirable by women, pretty damming stuff.

One way to overcome being invisible, is to make cold approach a lifestyle which will increase your chances of finding love.

Only Negg Girls Out of your League

To start with, all men should learn the sweet art of cold approach and this is what I teach, feel free to check out my coaching page.

Throwing in a Negg in any situation is a gamble, you can be as subtle as possible yet still get a bad response, so I recommend that you only try Negg girls who are way above your mate value, to reduce the risk. Let me explain.

If a girl is out of your league already, you have very little chance to date her, let alone sleep with her. Therefore the game was already over and it never got started. And if it was already over, what do you have to lose? Nothing.

This is how I use Neggs, I use them on girl who think they’re better than me and the occasional disrespectful girl. Most of the time she’ll be insulted and it will not end in a successful ”pickup” but at least I proved to her that I am someone who will stand up for myself.

Women Love to Negg Each Other

How To Negg Girls

Here’s an example of how I used a few neggs to sleep with a girl who was way above my mate value. About this time last year I saw a beautiful girl walking across the street in the centre of the city, she was a fashion student and also doing some modelling part time. She was wearing a very large t-shirt that seemed to act as a skirt too, girls who are into fashion, tend to wear clothing that stands out.

Without writing a full field report out here, the Negg I used was one that criticised her t-shirt, i said ”is that your dad’s t-shirt” in a playful way, being careful not to insult her. The goal was to project that I’m of high enough value that she should take me seriously, as well as acknowledge that I’m on her level.

After getting her number I doubled down on the Negg by texting that I’m not sure about her fashion sense, kinda Negging her again. She didn’t reply for 2 weeks after that message, but I could tell that it was going no where unless I engaged in the social hierarchy.

As I explained above, you should only Negg a girl who would totally ignore you anyway, so you have nothing to lose by doing so.

When she eventually replied, I organised a date and we slept together on the first date. Negging her worked.

Negging Too Hard

This is crossing the line but it’s still funny


Many women will try to make you feel as if you are worthless, this is just in their nature. You deserve to be respected, not just as a man but as a human being. So, stand up for yourself. Join my facebook group ”one mans life mission” to see educational content on how to cold approach women, I’ve got almost 40 hrs of content in that group. Don’t forget to join up to my newsletter too.

Here are some of my best posts:

If you want to learn more about the sweet art of cold approach, Enquire here, join my group, where I’ll have a chat to you before entering. Get my free video series and finally, if you are adventurous, try my 30 day challenge.


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